YHouse Blog

Lucid Living: Theory and Experiment in Science and Philosophy

[#28] What Would It Be Like?By Piet Hut

What would it be like, if all forms of human knowledge would be given a chance to be heard, in a respectful and serious way?  What would it take, to allow the full diversity of ways of knowing to come to the...

[#27] World and Mind: What Contains What?By Piet Hut

The world appears in our mind, and it makes sense to assume that our mind is inherently connected to our body which is part of the world.  When we ask "what contains what?" a sensible answer is:...

[#25] Toward a Science of Computer ArchitectureBy Piet Hut

Steam engines use energy to power motion, and computers use energy to power calculations.  The invention of steam engines gave rise to the theory of thermodynamics, where entropy growth...

[#24] The Presence of the PresentBy Piet Hut

Last week, I pointed out how we are born in the present, live in the present and will die in the present.  Even though we experience our own virtual reality creation, in the form of our mental constructs...

[#23]  Time and RealityBy Piet Hut

Last week I wrote about language weaving a virtual reality for us, through the use of concepts that tend to dress up all that  we experience.  Naked reality remains largely hidden from us, except perhaps for a split...