Virtual Roundtable - What Goes Unseen: Reimagining the Legacy of J. Robert Oppenheimer

What goes unseen


What Goes Unseen: Reimagining the Legacy of J. Robert Oppenheimer
Friday, July 7,  1:00 p.m.
Virtual Roundtable 

The image of J. Robert Oppenheimer casts a long shadow over the history of both science and government policy. But, how has that image been drawn? Who shapes it, and what have they left out? The Institute's Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center and Mathematics - Natural Sciences Library have brought together four experts in science history and communication to examine this question. Together, they will discuss how a legend like Oppenheimer's is shaped, as well as how writers and journalists face silences in the archive, disparate narratives, and fragmentary evidence to responsibly influence our perspective on the past.

George Dyson, science historian and author of BaidarkaProject OrionDarwin Among the MachinesTuring's Cathedral, and Anaologia

Graham Farmelo, science writer and author of The Universe Speaks in Numbers, The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius, and Churchill's Bomb: A Hidden Story of Science, Politics and War

Siobhan Roberts, science journalist and author of Genius at Play: The Curious Mind of John Horton Conway, King of Infinite Space: Donald Coxeter, the Man Who Saved Geometry, and Wind Wizard: Alan G. Davenport and the Art of Wind Engineering

Alex Wellerstein, historian of science and nuclear technology, associate professor and director of the Science and Technologies Studies program at the Stevens Institute of Technology, and author of Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States

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What Goes Unseen: Reimagining the Legacy of J. Robert Oppenheimer - July 7, 2023

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