Institute for Advanced Study Informal Astrophysics Seminar - ADDED

Galaxy Intrinsic Alignments and Precision Cosmology

The relationship between large-scale structure and the intrinsic shapes of galaxies is an important element of observational cosmology. These "intrinsic alignments" (IA) are the most significant source of astrophysical uncertainty in weak lensing measurements and must be understood if current and upcoming lensing surveys are to reach their full potential. I will present recent developments in understanding IA, including a model based on galaxy alignment with the tidal field. I will discuss efforts to probe IA through observation and simulation. I will show estimates of IA contamination in future lensing surveys and discuss our ability to remove it. Beyond its presence as a systematic uncertainty, IA can be a powerful probe of large-scale structure as well as the formation and evolution of galaxies and dark matter halos.

Date & Time

March 06, 2015 | 11:00am – 12:00pm


Bloomberg Hall, Astrophysics Library


Jonathan A. Blazek


Ohio State University

Event Series



This is the talk that was postponed from Thurs., Mar. 5.