Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar
Mach's Principle: Is Space-Time Created by its Energy Content?
It is quite simple to build a Newtonian dynamics without
Newton's absolute space which nevertheless gives exactly the same
relative motions of the bodies as Newton's dynamics when the latter is
applied in a non-rotating Universe like ours.
The small Machian effects discovered in General Relativity by
Einstein have now been worked out even when the effects are strong.
However they are not just due to matter and its motion. The energy and
angular momentum of swirling gravitational waves can accelerate and rotate
the inertial frame far from the wave itself just as the energy and angular
momentum of a rotating shell of matter rotates ('instantaneously'!)
the inertal frame in the flat space far inside it. Gravitational waves
have no matter tensor; thus the matter tensor in the Universe is not
the only source of inertia; it is energy, not matter, that matters.
Arguments are given suggesting that space-time may disappear as its energy
content is removed. In the presence of a lambda term this only works
if the value of lambda depends on some positive power of the energy
content of the Universe rather than being a fundamental constant.
Date & Time
March 10, 2009 | 11:00am
Bloomberg Hall Astrophysics LibrarySpeakers
Cambridge University