Wendy Brown

"The halls of academia may appear to be overrun by battles over academic freedom, free speech, identity politics, cancel culture and overreaching wokeness. But why does it look that way? And what are the real causes? The influential political theorist Wendy Brown has spent her career studying the very ideas — those of identity, freedom and tolerance — that are central to current debates about what’s happening on college campuses across the country, as well as to the attacks they’re undergoing from within and without."

"Published in 2015, Wendy Brown’Undoing the Demos was a major theoretical contribution to the study of neoliberalism. Since then, the neoliberal order has been rocked by a series of crises: among them the rise of right-wing, authoritarian regimes across the world; rapidly intensifying ecological devastation; and the COVID-19 pandemic that is now entering its third year."

Read articles by and featuring IAS scholars and scientists exploring the intertwining architecture of Rubenstein Commons; puzzling galaxies devoid of dark matter; and the intellectual journey of Polish mathematician Stanislaw Ulam (1909–84). Meet the Institute’s new Director and Leon Levy Professor David Nirenberg and Wendy Brown, UPS Foundation Professor in the School of Social Science. Also included are Q&As with Zachariah Cherian Mampilly, Member in the School of Social Science, and Nadia Zakamska, Member in the School of Natural Sciences.

Click to download a PDF of the Fall 2021 Letter—or read the digital edition here