Social Science

Blanc ou Noir

Jonathan Benthall of the Times Literary Supplement reviews Punir: Une Passion Contemporaine (Seuil, 2017), by Didier Fassin, James D. Wolfensohn Professor in the School of Social Science. The work, he writes, "testifies admirably to the power of...

My cousin became a convicted felon in his teens. I tried to make sure he got a second chance. What went wrong?

Consider the visible surface of Los Angeles. Underpasses, bridges, alleyways, delivery trucks, service entrances, corner stores, mailboxes...

In his fall books preview, constituted by works he classifies as studies of “surveillance society and its discontents,” Scott McLemme of Inside Higher Ed includes Writing the World of Policing: The Difference Ethnography Makes (University of Chicago...

Some forms of obfuscation generate genuine but misleading signals—much as you would protect the contents of one vehicle by sending it out accompanied by several other identical vehicles, or defend a particular plane by filling the sky with other...