Robbert Dijkgraaf

Robbert Dijkgraaf, Institute Director and Leon Levy Professor, discusses the complex relationship between mathematics and physics with Brady Haran of Numberphile during the 2017 National Math Festival in Washington, D.C. Dijkgraaf examines the...

It's not only about sharing the products of science, but also the values of science—thinking longterm, thinking about both facts and the uncertainties, thinking in terms of reason. . . . If you think about the Space Race, it was wonderful to put a...

If you look back at history, you see that large transformations in society, the really immense breakthroughs, they always came as a second order of fact—they were the spin-offs of fundamental enquiry, very deep thinking, which can only happen if you...

Perhaps the most fundamental philosophical question that you can ask in science is: "Why are we here?"

To understand the universe, we have to bring together the two key ideas that are governing modern physics. On the one hand, we have Einstein’s...