
Those that did not foresee the likelihood or even the possibility of Donald Trump’s victory are going to find it hard to discipline themselves to a balanced projection of his forthcoming first term. To ardent liberals in the United States – not...

Americans have been using essentially the same rules to elect presidents since the beginning of the Republic. In the general election, each voter chooses one candidate; each state (with two current exceptions) awards all its Electoral College votes...

“The enduring vitality of the reactionary spirit even in the absence of a revolutionary political program,” writes Mark Lilla (Member, Social Science, 1997–98), arises from the feeling that “to live a modern life anywhere in the world today, subject...

Glen Bowersock weighs in on the 2016 Election with a reflection on Cleon, the Donald Trump of fifth century B.C. Athens. Cleon’s fiery rhetoric made him exceptionally persuasive to the people, Bowersock writes:

Cleon's wealth, bluster, ignorance, and...