Lia Medeiros, current Member in the School of Natural Sciences, has led a group of researchers from the EHT collaboration in producing a groundbreaking new image of the M87 black hole, using machine learning algorithm PRIMO to achieve the full resolution of the array for the first time.
Lia Medeiros, current Member in the School of Natural Sciences, has led a group of researchers from the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration in producing a groundbreaking new image of the M87 black hole, using machine learning algorithm PRIMO to achieve the full resolution of the array for the first time.
Özel, past Member in the School of Natural Sciences
(2002–05) and current chair of the School of Physics at
Georgia Tech, discusses her work on the recent imaging of a
black hole with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
collaboration and the...
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what might the first
horizon-scale image of a black hole tell us? A new paper by
researchers from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration,
which famously imaged M87’s central black hole, has provided
The Event Horizon
Telescope (EHT) Project, which aims to capture the first-ever
image of a black hole, will make a major announcement on Wednesday,
April 10, at 9:00 a.m. EST (13:00 UTC) that can be viewed live from
the player above.
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project, a multinational
effort involving more than 100 researchers, including School of
Natural Sciences Members Dimitrios Psaltis (2001–03),
Feryal Özel (2002–05), and
Ramesh Narayan (1987–88,
1994, 2001 and...