“Beauty is the torch you hold up in the belief that it will lead
you to truth in the end," said Sir Michael Atiyah, former Professor in the
School of Mathematics. With E=mc2, Albert Einstein built a bridge between
energy and mass, two concepts that...
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project, a multinational
effort involving more than 100 researchers, including School of
Natural Sciences Members Dimitrios Psaltis (2001–03),
Feryal Özel (2002–05), and
Ramesh Narayan (1987–88,
1994, 2001 and...
The Institute for Advanced Study, one of the
world’s foremost centers for curiosity-driven basic research, will
be recognized by the American Physical Society
(APS) and the European Physical Society (EPS) as
their first Joint Historic Physics Site...
Of all the bizarre facets of quantum theory, few seem stranger
than those captured by Erwin Schrödinger’s famous fable about the
cat that is neither alive nor dead. It describes a cat locked
inside a windowless box, along with some radioactive...