Abraham Flexner

On May 6, 2022, the IAS Bamberger Medal was presented to Shelby White, IAS Trustee Emerita and Founder of the Leon Levy Foundation, at a celebration on the Institute’s campus in Princeton, N.J. Shelby has championed the Institute throughout the four decades since her late husband Leon Levy’s appointment to the Board of Trustees in 1988.

Tabula Rasa

"In June, 1948, when I graduated from Princeton High School, I already had a job, as a night watchman at the Institute for Advanced Study, on the far side of town. All kinds of people assumed that the Institute was part of Princeton University, which it wasn’t and isn’t."

The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge by Director Robbert Dijkgraaf and IAS founding Director Abraham Flexner “read in the right government places, might inoculate the nation against philistine utilitarianism,” observes Pulitzer Prize–winning columnist George F. Will in the Washington Post.