2023 Women and Mathematics

The Women and Mathematics program aims to offer a rewarding, challenging, supportive, and fun experience to every participant, and we encourage participants to take an active, patient, and generous role both in their own learning and that of others...

Click here for Table version of the schedule.

Sunday, May 21 2023

Time/Room: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM/Simons Hall Dilworth Room

Lunch/Coffee Break
Time/Room: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM / Simons Hall Dilworth Room

Topic: Intro to Terng...

Davenport: Analytic Methods for Diophantine Equations and Diophantine Inequalities

Vaughan: The Hardy-Littlewood Method

Iwaniec and Kowalski: Analytic Number Theory

A. Granville and Z. Rudnick (eds), Equidistribution in number theory, an...

Patterns in Integers: dynamical and number theoretic approaches

Uhlenbeck Lecture Course: Ergodic Ramsey Theory
Lecturer: Tamar Ziegler, IAS/Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University
Teaching Assistant: Adi Gluksam, Northwestern...

Patterns in Integers: dynamical and number theoretic approaches

Uhlenbeck Lecture Course: Ergodic Ramsey Theory
Lecturer: Tamar Ziegler, IAS/Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University

Terng Lecture Course: The Circle Method