Princeton University High Energy Theory Seminar

The OPE Randomness Hypothesis and Euclidean Wormholes

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Meeting ID: 985 9550 4817
Passcode: 604268
Abstract: Recent developments in holography indicate that the semi-classical Euclidean path-integral of Einstein gravity is much more powerful than previously anticipated. It is capable of reproducing a unitary Page curve for black hole evaporation and can even capture some features of the discrete nature of black hole microstates. Wormhole geometries play a key role in this context. I will propose a mechanism to explain this in the CFT: the OPE Randomness Hypothesis. This ansatz is a generalization of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis which applies to chaotic CFTs, and treats OPE coefficients of heavy operators as random variables with a given probability distribution. I will present two applications of this framework: First, it resolves a factorization puzzle in AdS_3/CFT_2 due to the genus-2 wormhole, as raised by Maoz and Maldacena. Second, it provides an argument against global symmetries in quantum gravity.

Date & Time

March 08, 2021 | 2:30pm – 4:00pm


via ZOOM


Alex Belin



