IAS High Energy Theory Seminar
Thermal Squeezeout for Strongly Interacting Dark Matter
All in-person attendees must be fully vaccinated, including a booster dose. Individuals must be prepared to present proof of vaccination and booster if asked but will not be required to submit proof. Masks are optional in all indoor spaces.
This seminar will be presented in-person and on Zoom:
Abstract: I will discuss the potential importance of a dark-sector phase transition in the early universe in setting the measured relic abundance, for a simple scenario with strongly interacting dark matter. Enhancement of the dark matter density within shrinking pockets of the high-temperature phase leads to a dramatic reduction in the late-time dark matter abundance, allowing for much heavier dark matter than in the standard thermal freezeout scenario. I will show results for a class of specific models realizing this scenario, including experimental constraints and the effects of entropy injection from decay of metastable dark-sector particles.