IAS Amplitudes Group Meeting

Towards the Regge Trajectory of the Critical O(N) Model at Large-N Limit

Abstract: I will naively analyze the Regge trajectory of the leading-twist operators in the critical O(N) model to leading order in 1/N. The anomalous dimensions of these operators develop simple poles in the spin J, preventing one from naively continuing them analytically across these singularities in J. These poles correspond to mixings between different operators, including nonlocal ones. I will show that the leading singularity can be resolved by properly renormalizing the IR divergences of light-ray operators, and this resolution gives the Regge intercept for the leading pomeron. I will also briefly comment on the mixing into the BFKL-type horizontal trajectory and raise some interesting questions regarding the Regge trajectory in the critical O(N) model.

Date & Time

September 24, 2024 | 2:30pm – 4:00pm


Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)


Yue-Zhou Li, Princeton University

