IAS Amplitudes Group Meeting

Make the Flat-Space Structure of (A)dS Scattering Useful

Abstract: I will briefly review the recent developments on hidden structures of (A)dS scattering amplitudes, known as the differential representation. This representation manifests the flat-space structure of (A)dS scattering, telling us that the (A)dS amplitudes can be formally written down from the flat-space amplitudes by a simple replacement, like lifting the momentum to the conformal generators. Our goal is to make this approach useful and powerful. The strategy is to think of the differential representation as the differential equations for (A)dS amplitudes, which can be easily solved as recursion equations in Mellin space. Examples of using it to compute AdS amplitudes up to 6-point will be sketched.

Date & Time

September 26, 2023 | 2:30pm – 4:00pm


Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)


Yue-Zhou Li, Princeton University

