Apply to the 2023 Research Program
Application to 2023 Research Program
- Is this program right for you? Program description.
- Application procedure. Guidelines & requirements.
- You’re ready to apply. Link to RP application.
The Research Program offers advanced scholars the opportunity to do research, collaborate with their peers, meet outstanding students, and explore new teaching ideas with professional educators. Research mathematicians and postdoctoral scholars interested in Quantum Computation are encouraged to apply to attend one week, two weeks, or all three weeks of the Research Program. The applicant should already have obtained a PhD or be expecting to receive one by the summer of 2023. This program is not for researchers or postdoctoral scholars with limited expertise in the research topic. Recent PhDs (less than one year after receipt of PhD) may consider applying to the PCMI Graduate Summer School instead of the Research Program (see the description and prerequisites for Graduate Summer School).
PCMI is using the web service MathPrograms.Org to receive and review applications for the 2023 PCMI Summer Session. See below for the link to the RP application at MathPrograms.Org. Deadline for submission of applications is January 31, 2023. Supplemental materials (such as the required CV and the encouraged but optional letter of recommendation) must be received by January 31, 2023—incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the selection committee. You will receive a decision in early March. Some financial support for lodging and registration fee/meals is available—see the Financial Support section of the application. Researchers must provide their own travel to PCMI. (Late applications may be considered at the discretion of the program organizers, but may receive lower priority for acceptance.)
APPLICATION PROCEDURE – Guidelines & Requirements
Be sure to read the guidelines and requirements before accessing and completing the online application. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the selection committee. You can email us with your questions.
- Applications are submitted and reviewed online using the web service MathPrograms.Org. Be sure that you use only the link below to apply. If you do not have an account at, you will login by filling in your email address and chosen password and the checkbox “this is my first login.” If you have a MathPrograms.Org account but are using a new email address, there is no need to create a new account; just login using the old email, and switch to the new email. Your login will take you to your My Portfolio page, where all of your application materials are stored.
- Your first step is to complete a Standard Coversheet for MathPrograms.Org. After you have created a Standard Coversheet you can then apply to the PCMI Research Program. If you will submit a reference letter with your application (encouraged but optional), your Standard Coversheet should include the name and email address of your reference writer. You are advised to let your reference writer know about your request so they won't delete the email reference request as spam.
- Provide your Curriculum Vitae/Resume (REQUIRED): Applicants must upload their CV to their online application. Your CV is necessary for your application portfolio to be complete. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the selection committee.
- For new PhDs (PhD received < 5 years ago): Provide one Reference Letter (encouraged but OPTIONAL). On the application, fill in the checkbox for your reference writer from the name you entered on your Standard Coversheet, then click on the green arrow next to the reference writer’s name so the writer will receive your reference request by email. When notified, your reference writer will then receive login info and upload instructions to come to the site to upload their letters. If any of your references do not have access to a computer, they may submit the reference letter by mail no later than January 31, 2023.
- Provide an Abstract and/or Reference Pages for your Preprint (OPTIONAL): Abstracts and reference pages can be uploaded during the online application process.
- The submission of your application is successful only if you see the "Thank you for your application" screen right after you click the Apply button at the bottom of the application form.
- Do not apply before reading the Guidelines & Requirements above.
- If you will submit a reference letter with your application, be sure to have the name and email address of your reference writer ready.
- Then click APPLY NOW below to begin your application process.
The submission of your application is successful only if you see the "Thank you for your application" screen right after you click the Apply button at the bottom of the application form.
We recommend that you log in to your MathPrograms.Org account periodically and check your Status screen to make sure your application is complete or to update it (for example, to replace your CV or to send an email request to a reference writer). You may wish to bookmark the login page for that reason.
Questions? Problems? EMAIL PCMI staff and we will try to help.