HS-SS Library Databases
Instructions for accessing resources remotely.
Databases: The Institute subscribes to the following databases. We recommend that for other databases and E-Journals you visit Princeton University Library Article and Databases page.
General | Art |
History | Classics |
Social Science |
Language tools: Pronunciator
DOS and CD-ROM databases:
(available on computersr located in the Historical Studies-Social Science Library)
- Al-Quran
- Al-Hadith
- CB-on-Disk (ISIS Current Bibliography)
- Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts (on CD-ROM)
- Electronic Siku Quanshu (available on a labeled computer in the Computer Center)
- Iter Italicum (on CD-ROM)
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica (CD-Rom)
- The Responsa Project, the database for Jewish studies, runs off of a CD through the Windows interface.
Macintosh CD-ROMS:
(Available for use on computers in the library )
- Epigraph
- Perseus
- Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
- Abbreviationes 1.5
- Packard Humanities Institute CD-ROM #5.3 (Latin texts, Bible versions) and #6 (Inscriptions, Papyri, and Coptic Texts).
The Institute is a participant in the JSTOR project. Please let us know if you are unable to connect to a resource and we will see that you gain connectivity.
Other software and peripherals:
The Computer Cluster downstairs offers various word processing packages (Word Perfect, MS-Word) as well as Adobe Photoshop and Caere software (OmniPage Professional with optical character recognition capability). A variety of scanners are available including large format, slide, microformat, and of course a scanner which is document fed. There is also a scanner which will autoscan microfilm. The printer is a double-sided printer.
E-mail questions to and please let us know if any of these resources are not functioning.