Workshop on Non-equilibrium Dynamics and Random Matrices


November 4-8, 2013

**All talks will take place in Simonyi Hall Seminar Room.

Monday, November 4, 2013

9-9:50 am Juerg Frohlich, IAS, "The problem of dynamics in quantum theory"
10-10:50 am Alexei Borodin, MIT, "Gaussian Free Field in beta ensembles and random surfaces"
11-11:30 BREAK
11:30-12:20 pm Jeremy Quastel, IAS, "Exact formulas in one dimensional random growth"
12:30-2 pm LUNCH (IAS Dining Hall)
2-2:50 pm Jinho Baik, University of Michigan, "Random matrix with locally-varying potential"
3-3:50 pm Anti Kupiainen, University of Helsinki, "Mandelbrot cascades and their uses"
4-4:30 pm TEA (Fuld Hall Common Room)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

9-9:50 am Paul Wiegman, University of Chicago, "Random Matrices as a model of Quantum Hydrodynamics"
10-10:50 am Marco Bertola, Concordia University, "Gap probabilities and Riemann-Hilbert problems in determinantal random point processes with or without outliers"
11-11:30 am BREAK
11:30-12:20 pm Anton Zabrodin, ITEP, "Matrix models, Laplacian growth and Hurwitz numbers"
12:30-2 pm LUNCH (IAS Dining Hall)
2-2:50 pm Ilya Gruzberg, University of Chicago, "Combinatorics and conformal restriction in a model of the quantum Hall transition"
3-3:50 pm Sebastian Mueller, University of Bristol, "GSE statistics without spin"
4-4:30 pm TEA (Fuld Hall Common Room)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

10-10:50 am Joel Lebowitz, IAS, "Extension of measures: Classical and Quantum"
11-11:30 am BREAK
11:30-12:20 pm Marc Potters, CFM, "A Random Matrix Bayesian framework for out-of-sample quadratic optimization"
12:30-2 pm LUNCH (IAS Dining Hall)
2-2:50 pm Gregory Schehr, U-PSUD, "Extreme of non-intersecting Brownian motions from Yang-Mills theory to directed polymers"
3-3:50 pm Alice Guionnet, ENS Lyon, "Transport in RMT"
4-4:30 pm TEA (Fuld Hall Common Room)


Thursday, November 7, 2013

10-10:50 am Kurt Johansson, KTH, "Random Tilings" 11-11:30 am BREAK
11:30-12:20 pm Percy Deift, Columbia Univeristy "Universality aspects in numerical computation"
12:30-2 pm LUNCH (IAS Dining Hall)
2-2:50 pm Michael Aizenman, Princeton University, "Resonant delocalization in Random Schroedinger operators on graphs of rapid volume growth"
3-3:50 pm Tatyana Shcherbina, Institute for Low Temperature, "Universality of the local regime for some types of random band matrices"
4-4:30 pm TEA (Fuld Hall Common Room)


Friday, November 8, 2013

9-9:50 am Jon Keating, University of Bristol, "Freezing and extreme values: from RMT to number theory"
10-10:50 am Boris Khoruzhenko, Queen Mary and Westfield College, "Fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index H=0 and the Gaussian unitary ensemble"
11-11:30 am BREAK
11:30-12:20 pm Laszlo Erdos, IAS, "New corrections to mesoscopic level statistics for random band matrices"
12:30-2 pm LUNCH (IAS Dining Hall)

~end of workshop