Selected Articles
(2020), Are the Two Approaches to Moral Economy Irreconcilable? Humanity, 11 (2):217-221.
(2019), An Improbable Movement ? Macron’s France and the Rise of the Gilets Jaunes (with Anne-Claire Defossez), The New Left Review, 115: 77-92.
(2019), The Blind Spots of Left Populism, Krisis. Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 1, 87-90.
(2018), The Public Presence of Anthropology: A Critical Approach, Kritisk. Etnografi-Swedish Journal of Anthropology, 1 (1): 13-23.
(2017), Punishment, Political Concepts. A Critical Lexicon (The Balibar Edition).
(2017), Asylum as a Form of Life. The Politics and Experience of Indeterminacy in South Africa (with Matthew Willhelm-Solomon and Aurelia Segatti), Current Anthropology, 58 (2): 160-187.
(2017), The Endurance of Critique, Anthropological Theory, 17 (1): 4-29.
(2016), L’ethnographie retrouvée. Sur quelques approches contemporaines des pratiques policières, L’Homme. Revue Française d’Anthropologie, 219-220, special issue Pacifications urbaines.
(2015), The Public Afterlife of Ethnography, American Ethnologist, 42 (4): 592-609.
(2015), In the Name of the Republic. Untimely Meditations on the Aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo Attack, Anthropology Today, 31 (2): 3-7.
(2015), L'asile et la prison, Esprit, 413: 82-95.
(2014), True Life, Real Lives: Revisiting theBoundaries between Ethnography and Fiction, American Ethnologist, 41 (1): 40-55.
(2014), Pouvoir discrétionnaire et politiques sécuritaires. Le chèque en gris de l'État à la police, Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 201-202 (1): 72-86.
(2014), The Ethical Turn in Anthropology: Promises and Uncertainties, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 4 (1): 429-435.
(2014), De l'invention du traumatisme à la reconnaissance des victimes. Genèse et transformations d'une condition morale, Vingtième siècle, 123: 161-171.
(2013), The Precarious Truth of Asylum, Public Culture, 69 (1) : 39-63.
(2013), On Resentment and Ressentiment: The Politics and Ethics of Moral Emotions, Current Anthropology, 54 (3) : 249-267.
(2013), A Case for Critical Ethnography: Rethinking the Early Years of the AIDS Epidemic in South Africa, Social Science and Medicine, 99: 119-126.
(2013), Why Ethnography Matters: On Anthropology and Its Publics, Cultural Anthropology, 28 (4): 621-646.
(2013), Scenes from Urban Life: A Modest Proposal for a Critical Perspectivist Approach, Social Anthropology, 21 (3): 371-377.
(2012), How Asylum Claims are Adjudicated: The Institution as a Moral Agent, Revue Française de Sociologie, special issue Moral economies and social justice, 53 (4): 444-472.
(2011), The Trace. Violence, Truth and the Politics of the Body, Social Research, Special issue “The Body and the State”, 78 (2):281-298.
(2011), The Politics of Conspiracy Theories. On AIDS in Africa and a Few Other Global Plots, The Brown Journal of World Affairs, 17 (2): 39-50.
(2011), Racialization: How to Do Races With Bodies, in A Companion to the Anthropology of the Body and Embodiment, Frances Mascia-Lees ed., Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, p. 419-434.
(2011), Noli me tangere: The Moral Untouchability of Humanitarianism, in Forces of Compassion: Humanitarianism between Ethics and Politics, Erica Bornstein and Peter Redfield eds., Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research, p. 35-52.
(2010), Evaluer les vies. Essai d’anthropologie biopolitique, Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, CXXVIII (107): 107-117.
(2010), Ethics of Survival. A Democratic Approach to the Politics of Life, Humanity. International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism and Development, 1 (1):81-95.
(2009), Another Politics of Life is Possible, Theory, Culture and Society, 26 (5):44-60.
(2009), Les économies morales revisitées. Etude critique suivie de quelques propositions, Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, 6:1237-1266.
(2009), A Violence of History: Accounting for AIDS in Post-Apartheid South Africa, in Global Health in Times of Violence, B. Rylko-Bauer, L. Whiteford, and P. Farmer, eds., Santa Fe: School of Advanced Research Press, p. 113-135.
(2009), What is it to Become French? Naturalization as a Republican Rite of Institution, Revue française de sociologie (English Selection), 50 (5):37-64.
(2008), Life and Times of Magda A. Telling a Story of Violence in South Africa (with Frédéric Le Marcis and Todd Lethata), Current Anthropology, 49 (2):225-246.
(2008), La politique des anthropologues. Une histoire française, Special issue Hommage à Marc Augé, L’Homme, 185-186:165-186.
(2008), The Elementary Forms of Care. An Empirical Approach to Ethics in a South African Hospital, Social Science and Medicine, 67:262-270.
(2008), The Humanitarian Politics of Testimony. Subjectification through Trauma in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Cultural Anthropology, 23 (3):531-558.
(2008), L’éthique au-delà de la règle. Réflexions autour d’une enquête sur les soins en Afrique du Sud, Sociétés contemporaines, 71:117-136.
(2008), Beyond Good and Evil? Questioning Anthropological Discomfort with Morals, Anthropological Theory, 8 (4), 333-344.
(2008), The Embodied Past. From Paranoid Style to Politics of Memory, Social Anthropology, 16 (3):312-328.
(2007), Humanitarianism as a Politics of Life, Public Culture, 19 (3):499-520.
(2007), Critical Evidence. The Politics of Trauma in French Asylum Policies (with Estelle d’Halluin), Ethos. Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, 35 (3): 300-329.
(2006), The End of Ethnography as Collateral Damage of Ethics Regulation? American Ethnologist, 33 (4): 522-524.
(2006), Souffrir par le social, gouverner par l’écoute. Une configuration sémantique de l’action publique, Politix, numéro spécial Expérience et critique du monde psy, 19 (73): 137-158.
(2005), Compassion and Repression. The Moral Economy of Immigration Policies in France, Cultural Anthropology, 20 (3):362-387.
(2005), Humanitarian Exception as the Rule. The Political Theology of the 1999 ‘Tragedia’ in Venezuela (with Paula Vasquez), American Ethnologist, 32 (3):389-405.
(2005), The Truth from the Body. Medical Certificates as Ultimate Evidence for Asylum-Seekers (with Estelle d’Halluin), American Anthropologist, 107 (4):597-608.
(2004), Public Health as Culture. The Social Construction of the Childhood Lead Poisoning Epidemic in France, British Medical Bulletin, 69: 167-177.
(2004), Plumbism Reinvented. The Early Times of Childhood Lead Poisoning in France 1985-1990 (with Anne-Jeanne Naudé), American Journal of Public Health, 94 (11):1854-1862.
(2004), La cause des victimes, Les Temps Modernes, special issue L’humanitaire, 59 (627): 73-91.
(2004), Et la souffrance devint sociale, Critique, numéro spécial Frontières de l’anthropologie, 680-68: 16-29.
(2003), Naissance de la santé publique. Deux descriptions du saturnisme infantile à Paris (1987-1989), Genèses, 53: 139-153.
(2003), The Embodiment of Inequality. A Political Anthropology of AIDS in Southern Africa. EMBO Reports, Special issue Science and Society, 4: S4-S9.
(2003), Le capital social, de la sociologie à l’épidémiologie. Analyse critique d’une migration transdisciplinaire, Revue d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, 51:403-413.
(2002), L’invention française de la discrimination, Revue française de science politique, 52, (4):395-415.
(2001), Quand le corps fait loi. La raison humanitaire dans les procédures de régularisation des étrangers, Sciences Sociales et Santé, 19 (4): 5-34.
(2001), The Biopolitics of Otherness. Undocumented Immigrants and Racial Discrimination in the French Public Debate, Anthropology Today. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 17 (1):3-7.
(2001), Une double peine. La condition sociale des immigrés malades du sida, L’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie, 160:137-162.
(2000), Entre politiques du vivant et politiques de la vie. Pour une anthropologie de la santé, Anthropologie et Sociétés, Special issue “Terrains d’avenir”, 24 (1):95-116.
(2000), La supplique. Stratégies rhétoriques et constructions identitaires dans les demandes d’aide d’urgence, Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, 55 (5):955-981.
(1999), L’ethnopsychiatrie et ses réseaux. Une influence qui grandit, Genèses. Sciences Sociales et Histoire, 35: 146-171.
(1996), Exclusion, underclass, marginalidad. Figures contemporaines de la pauvreté urbaine en France, aux Etats-Unis et en Amérique latine, Revue française de sociologie, 37 (1):37-75.
(1994), Le domaine privé de la santé publique. Pouvoir, politique et sida au Congo, Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, 49 (4):745-775.
(1991), Handicaps physiques, pratiques économiques et stratégies matrimoniales au Sénégal, Social Science and Medicine, 32 (3): 267-272.
(1989), Raison épidémiologique et raisons d'Etat. Les enjeux socio-politiques du sida en Afrique (with Jean-Pierre Dozon), Sciences Sociales et Santé, 7: 21-36.
(1988), Traditional Medicine and the Stakes of Legitimation in Senegal (with Eric Fassin), Social Science and Medicine, 27 (4): 353-357.
(1987), Rituels villageois et rituels urbains. La reproduction sociale chez les femmes Joola en Casamance et à Pikine, L’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie, 104 (XXVII-4): 54-75.
(1984), Anthropologie et folie, Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, 77: 237-271.