Residency Requirement

Members in the School of Historical Studies are expected to abide by the School's Residency Requirement policy. Under that policy, Members are expected to limit absences to not more than 5 days during the offical dates of term.

The residency requirement was created with two purposes in mind. The first is to protect scholars from demands from their home institutions or other obligations that might force them to give up valuable research time. Scholars are encouraged to refer to the residency requirement as a means of declining the imposition of obligations that would require them to be away from the Institute for meetings or other duties that are unrelated to the scholar's own academic interests during their membership year. The second purpose of the residency requirement is to facilitate the creation of a community of scholars where scholarly interactions and intellectual discussions take place in both formal and informal settings. Every scholar in residence brings something of value to the community, and for this sense of community to form and to flourish it is necessary for scholars to be present.

During the official dates of term, any absence of three or more weekdays must be cleared in advance with a member of the permanent faculty, and reported to the Administrative Officer in writing, before the plans are made definite. Shorter absences do not require clearance, but the total number of days absent during term, including brief absences, should not exceed 5.

To obtain clearance for an absence Members are expected to contact one of the School's permanent faculty, offering an explanation of the reasons for the absence, and indicating the dates ot the propsoed absence. Such celarance requests are normally sent by email to the faculty member, with a copy tot he Administrative Officer. When clearance is granted the Administrative Officer is expected to record the following details for School records:

  • The reason for the absence
  • The proposed dates of travel
  • Who provided clearance

Members should be aware that extended absences of more than 5 days may result in stipend reduction.