Publications by Members & Former Members

School of Historical Studies, Members & Former Members -
Recent books resulting from research carried out at the Institute

De l'autel à la peinture (Éditions du Cerf, 2024), by Éric Palazzo, 2018-2019 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Form and Fortification: The Art of Military Architecture in Renaissance Italy (Yale University Press, 2025) by Morgan Ng, 2023-2024 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Prior Art: Patents and the Nature of Invention in Architecture (MIT Press, 2024), by Peter H. Christensen, 2022 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Opening Kailasanatha: The Temple in Kanchipuram Revealed in Time and Space (University of Washington Press, 2021) by Padma Kaimal, 2021-2011 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

The Archive of Empire: Knowledge, Conquest, and the Making of the Early Modern British World (Yale University Press, 2024) by Asheesh Kapur Siddique, 2021-2022 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Selvaggi criminali: Storia della deportazione penale nell'Italia liberale (1861-1900) (Editori Laterza, 2024) by Olindo De Napoli, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Broder la splendeur (Les éditions du Cerf, 2024), by Éric Palazzo, 2018-2019 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Hajj across Empires: Pilgrimage and Political Culture after the Mughals, 1739–1857 (Cambridge University Press, 2024) by Rishad Choudhury, 2020-2021 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Les Convertis du pape: Une famille de banquiers juifs à Rome au XVIe siècle (Seuil, 2023), by Isabelle Poutrin, 2021-2022 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Amerasia (Princeton University Press, 2023), by Elizabeth Horodowich and Alexander Nagel, 2017-2018 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

The Embedded Portrait: Giotto, Giottino, Angelico (Princeton University Press, 2023) by Christopher S. Wood, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Monet's Minutes: Impressionism and the Industrialization of Time (Yale University Press, 2023), by André Dombrowski, 2012-2013 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Painting in Fifteenth-Century Italy. This Splendid and Noble Art (Yale University Press, 2023), by Diane Cole Ahl, 2006-2007 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

The Gift: How Objects of Prestige Shaped the Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonialism (Cambridge University Press, 2023), by Ana Lucia Araujo, 2021-2022 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Sounding Human: Music and Machines, 1740/2020 (University of Chicago Press, 2023), by Deirdre Loughridge, 2019-2020 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

The Imperial Era: Roman History from Octavian to Diocletian (C.H. Beck, 2021), by Hartwin Brandt, 2017-2018 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

The Story of Clara Park, Her Autistic Daughter, and the Myth of the Refrigerator Mother (Boston: Beacon Press, 2021, paperback 2022) by Marga Vicedo, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies. 

Epistemocracy: Inquiry on the International Government of Capitalism (Raisons d'Agir, 2022) by Vincent Gayon, 2022-2023 Member in the School of Historical Studies

Architecture of Life: Soviet Modernism and the Human Sciences (University of Minnesota Press,  2022) by Alla Vronskaya, 2019-2020 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Creating the Qur’an: A Historical-Critical Study (University of California Press, 2022), by Stephen J. Shoemaker, 2013-2014 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Biblical Women and Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Europe (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022), by Elisheva Baumgarten, 2008-2009 and 2017-2018 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Medieval Monastery of Saint Elijah: A History in Paint and Stone (Brepols, 2021) by Alison Locke Perchuk, 2018-2019 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Quranic Arabic: From its Hijazi Origins to its Classical Reading Traditions (Brill, Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, Volume: 106, 2022) by Marijn van Putten, 2021-2022 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Muhammad Avatāra: Salvation History, Translation, and the Making of Bengali Islam (Oxford University Press, 2021) by Ayesha A. Irani, 2021-2022 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

In the Sultan’s Salon: Learning, Religion, and Rulership at the Mamluk Court of Qāniṣawh al-Ghawrī (r. 1501–1516) (2 vols) (Brill, 2021), by Christian Mauder, 2018-2019 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

War and Citizenship: Enemy Aliens and National Belonging from the French Revolution to the First World War (Cambridge University Press, 2021), by Daniela L. Caglioti, 2011-2012 and 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Extreme Exoticism: Japan in the American Musical Imagination (Oxford University Press, 2019) by W. Anthony Sheppard, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Una violencia indómita: El siglo XX europeo (Planeta de Libros, 2020) by Julián Casanova, 2018-2019 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Hitler’s Northern Utopia: Building the New Order in Occupied Norway (Princeton University Press, 2020) by Despina Stratigakos, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Jews and Syriac Christians: Intersections across the First Millennium (Mohr Siebeck, 2020), edited by Simcha Gross and Aaron MIchael Butts, 2019-2020 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Byzantine Intersectionality: Sexuality, Gender, and Race in the Middle Ages (Princeton University Press, 2020) by Roland Betancourt, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present (W.W. Norton, 2020) by Ruth Ben-Ghiat, 2019-2020 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Le souffle de Dieu: L’énergie de la liturgie et l’art au Moyen Âge (Les éditions du Cerf, 2020) by Éric Palazzo, 2018-2019 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

From Left to Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History (Wayne State University Presss, 2020) by Nancy Sinkoff, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Arab Lands under Ottoman Rule, 1516-1800, 2nd ed. (Routledge, 2020) by Jane Hathaway, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Chief Eunuch of the Ottoman Harem: From African Slave to Power-Broker (Cambridge, 2018) by Jane Hathaway, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Solidarity Under Siege: The Salvadoran Labor Movement, 1970-1990 (Cambridge University Press, 2019) by Jeffrey Gould, 2012-2013 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Beethoven Syndrome: Hearing Music as Autobiography (Oxford University Press, 2019) by Mark Evan Bonds, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

La cité et ses esclaves : institutions, fictions, expériences (Le Seuil, 2019) by Paulin Ismard, 2015-2016, Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Contested Territory: Dien Bien Phu and the Making of Northwest Vietnam (Yale University Press, 2019) by Christian C. Lentz, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Zaydi Reception of Bahshamite Muʿtazilism. Fascimile Edition of MS Shiraz, Library of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Shiraz (ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī Library), majmūʿa 102 (Gorgias Press, 2019) prepared for publication and introduced by Hassan Ansari, Long-term Member in the School of Historical Studies, and Sabine Schmidtke, Professor in the School of Historical Studies.

Sacrilegio y redención en la Florencia del Renacimiento: El caso de Antonio Rinaldeschi (Universitat de València Publications, 2019) by William J. Connell, 2002-2003 Member in the School of Historical Studies and Giles Constable, Professor Emeritus, Medieval History, School of Historical Studies.

The Life of Romeyn de Hooghe 1645-1708 (Amsterdam University Press, 2018) by Henk van Nierop, 2013-2014 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Sara Levy's World Gender, Judaism, and the Bach Tradition in Enlightenment Berlin (Boydell and Brewer, 2018) edited by Rebecca Cypress and Nancy Sinkoff, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Le Monde syriaque. Sur les routes d'un christianisme ignoré (Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2017) by Muriel Arruebo Debie, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Eunuch and Emperor in the Great Age of Qing Rule (University of California Press, 2018) by Norman A. Kutcher, 2010-11 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Paris and the Cliché of History: The City and Photographs, 1860-1970 (Oxford University Press, 2018) by Catherine E. Clark, 2017-18 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Frontiers of Science: Imperialism and Natural Knowledge in the Gulf South Borderlands, 1500-1850 (University of North Carolina Press, 2018) by Cameron Strang, 2016-17 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

On the Trail of the Yellow Tiger: War, Trauma, and Social Dislocation in Southwest China during the Ming-Qing Transition (University of Nebraska Press, 2018) by Kenneth M. Swope, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Auf Messers Schneide: Wie das Deutsche Reich den Ersten Weltkrieg verlor (C. H. Beck Publishers, 2018) by Holger Afflerbach, 2014-15 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Incidental Archaeologists, French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa (Cornell University Press, 2018) by Bonnie Effros, 2013-2014 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Ancient Prophecy: Near Eastern, Biblical, and Greek Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2018) by Marttti Nissinen, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Gender, Power, and Talent: The Journey of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China (Columbia University Press, 2018) by Jinhua Jia, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Mount Wutai: Visions of a Sacred Buddhist Mountain (Princeton University Press, 2018) by Wen-shing Chou, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Sensibilities of the Risorgimento: Reason and Passions in Political Thought (Brill, 2018) by Roberto Romani, 2013-2014 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Mussolini's Nation-Empire: Sovereignty and Settlement in Italy's Borderlands, 1922-1943 (Cambridge University Press, 2018) by Roberta Pergher, 2013-2014 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Routledge History of Italian Americans (Routledge Press, 2017) by William Connell, 2002-2003 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Finding One’s Way Through Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations (Springer, 2017) Co-edited by Emmanuel Bermon, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Reading Philosophy, Writing Poetry: Intertextual Modes of Making Meaning in Early Medieval China (Harvard University Press, 2018) by Wendy Swartz, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Platonist Philosophy 80 BC to AD 250: An Introduction and Collection of Sources in Translation (Cambridge University Press, 2018) by George Boys-Stones, 2012-2013 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

What Nostalgia Was : War, Empire, and the Time of a Deadly Emotion (University of Chicago Press, 2018) by Thomas W. Dodman, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Moral Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Britain: God, Self, and Other (Cambridge University Press, 2018) by Colin Heydt, 2013-2014 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Creatively Undecided: Toward a History and Philosophy of Scientific Agency (The University of Chicago Press, 2017) by Menachem Fisch, 2010-2011 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Rome's Holy Mountain : The Capitoline Hill in Late Antiquity (Oxford University Press, 2018) by Jason Moralee, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Hamlet and the Vision of Darkness (Princeton University Press, 2017) by Rhodri Lewis, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

China, Hong Kong, and the Long 1970s: Global Perspectives (Palgrave MacMillan, 2017) edited by Priscilla Roberts, 2016-2017 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Modernity and the Jews in Western Social Thought (University of Chicago Press, 2017) by Chad Alan Goldberg, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Jewish Love Magic From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages (Brill, 2017) by Ortal-Paz Saar, 2012-2013 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Sinnstiftungen eines Rechtsbuchs: Die Lex Salica im Frankenreich (Thorbecke, 2017) by Karl Ubl, 2010-2011 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Jihadi Culture: The Art and Social Practices of Militant Islamists (Cambridge University Press, 2017) edited by Thomas Hegghammer, 2009-2010 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Gothic Missal (Brepols Publishers, 2017) by Els Rose, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Hugo Grotius and the Century of Revolution,1613-1718 (Oxford UP, 2017) by Marco Barducci, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The New Jewish Diaspora: Russian-speaking Immigrants in the United States, Israel and Germany (Rutgers University Press, 2016) edited by Zvi Gitelman, 2009 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Last Hindu Emperor: Prithviraj Chauhan and the Indian Past, 1200–2000 (Cambridge University Press, 2016) by Cynthia Talbot, 2007-2008 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

About Method: Experimenters, Snake Venom, and the History of Writing Scientifically (The University of Chicago Press, 2017) by Jutta Schickore, 2007-2008 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Civilisation and Nineteenth-Century Art: A European Concept in Global Context (Manchester University Press, 2016) edited by David O’Brien, 2007-2008 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Counsel for Kings: Wisdom and Politics in Tenth-Century Iran: The Naṣīḥat al-mulūk of Pseudo-Māwardī. Volume I: Contexts and Themes; Volume II: Texts, Sources and Authorities (University of Edinburgh Press, 2016) by Louise Marlow, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Exploring the Economy of Late Antiquity (Cambridge University Press, 2016) by Jairus Banaji, 2006-07 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Flaubert in the Ruins of Paris: The Story of a Friendship, a Novel, and a Terrible Year (Basic Books; Revised edition, 2017) by Peter Brooks, 2010-2011 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Collecting the World: Hans Sloane and the Origins of the British Museum (Harvard University Press and Penguin Random House, 2017) by James Delbourgo, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Catholic Enlightenment: The Forgotten History of a Global Movement (Oxford University Press, 2016) by Ulrich Lehner, 2008-2009 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Mary in Early Christian Faith and Devotion (Yale University Press, 2016) by Stephen J. Shoemaker, 2013-2014 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Rediscovering Sainthood in Italy: Hagiography and the Late Antique Past in Medieval Ravenna (Palgrave, 2016) by Edward M. Schoolman, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Smail, Daniel Lord. Legal Plunder: Households and Debt Collection in Late Medieval Europe. Cambridge, (Harvard University Press, 2016) by Daniel Lord Smail, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Ex Voto: Votive Giving Across Cultures (University of Chicago Press, 2016) by Ittai Weinryb, 2012-2013 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Where Dreams May Come: Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (Brill, 2017) by Gil Renberg, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

La banca e il ghetto. Una storia italiana (Roma, Editori Laterza, 2016) by Giacomo Todeschini, 2007-2008 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Horace: Odes Book II (Cambridge University Press, 2017) by Stephen Harrison, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Abstraction and Infinity (Oxford University Press, 2017) by Paolo Mancosu, 2009-2010 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Desencuentros y Desafios: Ensayos Sobre la Historia Contemporánea Centroamericana (San José: Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, 2016) by Jeffrey L Gould, 2012-2013 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants on Befriending Emirs (Yale University Press, 2017) by Adam Sabra, 2012-2013 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The New Testament in Byzantium (Dumbarton Oaks Press, 2017) edited by Derek Krueger and Robert S. Nelson. Derek Krueger was a 2012-2013 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Before Nature: Cuneiform Knowledge and the History of Science (The University of Chicago Press, 2016) by Francesca Rochberg, 2006-2007 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Boccaccio and the Invention of Italian Literature: Dante, Petrarch, Cavalcanti, and the Authority of the Vernacular (Cambridge University Press, 2016) by Martin Eisner, 2007-2008 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Vanquished (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016) by Robert Gerwarth, 2001-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Philosophical Thought of the Crimean Khanate (Kyiv: Komora, 2016, (in Ukrainian)) by Mykhaylo Yakubovych, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Triumph of Empire: The Roman Empire from Hadrian to Constantine (Harvard University Press, 2016) by Michael Kulikowski, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

The Frame in Classical Art: A Cultural History (Cambridge University Press, 2017) edited by Verity Platt, 2009-2010 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Dada Presentism: An Essay on Art and History (Stanford University Press, 2016) by Maria Stavrinaki, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Modernity and the Jews in Western Social Thought (University of Chicago Press, 2017) by Chad Alan Goldberg, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Preaching and Inquisition in Renaissance Italy. Words on Trial (Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2016) by Giorgio Caravale, 2013-2014 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Beyond the Inquisition. Ambrogio Catarino Politi and the Origins of the Counter-Reformation (Notre Dame, Notre Dame University Press, 2017) by Giorgio Caravale, 2013-2014 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

A Saving Science: Capturing the Heavens in Carolingian Manuscripts (Penn State University Press, 2017) by Eric Ramirez-Weaver, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

La croisée des signes (Les Éditions du Cerf, 2017) by Vincent Debiais, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Royal Bastards: The Birth of Illegitimacy, 800-1230 (Oxford University Press, 2017) by Sara McDougall, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

America in Italy: The United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763–1865 (Princeton University Press, 2017) by Axel Körner, 2006-2007 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Across Forest, Steppe and Mountain: Environment, Identity and Empire in Qing China’s Borderlands (Cambridge University Press, 2016) by David Bello, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

1971: A Year in the Life of Color (The University of Chicago Press, December 2016) by Darby English, 2010-2011 Member in the School of Historical Studies

A Historian in Exile: Solomon ibn Verga, Shevet Yehudah, and the Jewish - Christian Encounter (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017) by Jeremy Cohen, 2011-2012 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Voices of Conscience: Royal Confessors and Political Counsel in Seventeenth-Century Spain and France (Oxford University Press, 2016) by Nicole Reinhardt, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Art in a Time of War: The Master of Morgan 453 and Manuscript Illumination in Paris during the English Occupation (1419–1435) (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2016) by Gregory T. Clark, 2002-2003 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Luther's Legacy: The Thirty Years War and the Modern Notion of 'State' in the Empire, 1530s to 1790s (Cambridge University Press, 2016) by Robert von Friedeburg, 2001-2002 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Josephinismus zwischen den Regimen (De Gruyter, 2016) edited by Thomas Wallnig, 2014-2015 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Menachem Fisch: The Rationality of Religious Dispute (Brill, 2016) Edited by Hava Tirosh-Samuelson, Arizona State University and Aaron W. Hughes, University of Rochester. Menachem Fisch was a 2010-2011 Memeber in the School of Historical Studies.

Collective Memory and the Historical Past (University of Chicago Press, 2016) by Jeffrey Andrew Barash, 2015-2016 Member in the School of Historical Studies.

Mediterranean Families in Antiquity: Households, Extended Families, and Domestic Space (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016), Edited by Sabine R. Huebner, 2010-11 Member in the School of Historical Studies.