

Information about Telephones at the Institute

Basic instructions for operating your telephone & accessing voicemail: Click here

One-page quick reference list of some of the most useful phone numbers for Historical Studies, including Faculty, Staff and Administration: Click here

Directory listing everyone at Institute: Click here

General information about telephone services, including detailed operating instructions, can be found on the Telephone Services web page.

The information below is intended specifically for scholars in the School of Historical Studies.

Office Telephone Charges
Members and Visitors in the School of Historical Studies may make local, long distance, and international telephone calls from their office telephones. The School will cover up to $25.00 per month for long distance calls. If the total cost for long distance calls in a single month exceeds $25 the excess charges will be redirected to the scholar's personal account. The additional amount charged will appear on the subsequent month's statement from the Comptroller's Office. Long distance telephone rates can be found on the Institute's telecommunications web page.

Equipment Malfunction
If your telephone is not working properly please contact a staff member in the School of Historicial Studies by sending email to the Staff Pool. Please describe the problem in your message. If our staff cannot assist you a technician will be contacted about repairing the equipment.