1998-1999 Members, Visitors and Research Assistants

= first term only = second term only


Dmitry Afinogenov
Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Byzantine Studies

Maroun Aouad
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Paris)
Medieval and Islamic Philosophy

Elka Bakalova
Institute of Art Studies (Sofia)
Medieval History and Art

Paolo Bernardini
Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa)
Early Modern European History

Maggie Bickford
Brown University
Chinese Art and Architecture

Alexey Chernetsov
Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Medieval Russian History and Archaeology

Michael J. Cohen
Bar-Ilan University
History of Palestine/Israel and the Modern Middle East

Roger Crum
University of Dayton
History of Art

Nicola Di Cosmo
Harvard University
History of Relations between China and Inner Asia

Eleanor Dickey
University of Ottawa
Greek and Latin linguistics and social history

Michele Faraguna
Università di Trieste
Ancient History

Carole Fink
The Ohio State University
Modern History

Jack Freiberg
Florida State University
Art History

Brian Golding
University of Sothampton
Medieval History

Edward Harris
Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Ancient Greek History

Wolfhart Heinrichs
Harvard University
Medieval Arabic

Christopher Andrew Jones
Idaho State University
Anglo-Saxon church history

Victor Mair
University of Pennsylvania
Chinese Language and Literature

Georgiy Mirsky
Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
History and Political Science

Yitzhak Nakash
Brandeis University
Near Eastern Studies

Frederick Paxton
Connecticut College
European Medieval History

Marshall T. Poe
Columbia University
Russian History

Karla Pollmann
University of St. Andrews
Classics and Patristics

François Queyrel
La Sorbonne
Greek Archaeology

Aldo Schiavone
University of Florence
History of Roman law

Eckart Schütrumpf
University of Colorado at Boulder
Classical philology, Greek philosophy

Erkki Sironen
University of Helsinki
Late Antique Athens

Rosemary Stanfield-Johnson
Hofstra University
Late Medieval and Early modern Iran

Neil Stratford
The British Museum
Medieval Art and Architecture

Claudia Swan
Northwestern University
Northern Renaissance and Baroque Visual Culture

Thomas Szabó
Max-Plank Institut für Geschichte
Medieval European History

Joachim Szidat
University of Bern
History of the Later Roman Empire

Hsingyuan Tsao
Reed College
Chinese Art History

Michael Weiss
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Indo-European Linguistics

Leonid Zhmud
Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg)
Ancient Greek Science and Philosophy


Gregory Bayer
Independent Scholar
Ancient Philosophy

Christopher Bickford
Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences
American History

James Cahill
University of California, Berkeley
Chinese Art History

Valerie Flint
University of Hull
Medieval Ecclesiastical History

Kathryn Kerby-Fulton
University of Victoria
Medieval Literature

Victor Mair
University of Pennsylvania
Chinese Language and Literature

Kenneth Mills
Princeton University
Early Modern Spanish History

Walter Prevenier
University of Gent
Medieval Social History

Paul Rorem
Princeton Theological Seminary
History of Theology

Jenny Stratford
University of London
Medieval History

John Van Engen
University of Notre Dame
Medieval History

Research Assistants

Alison Beach
Institute for Advanced Study
Medieval History
(Assistant to Professor Constable)

Jawid Mojaddedi
Institute for Advanced Study
Islamic History
(Assistant to Professor Crone)

Cynthia Robinson
Institute for Advanced Study
Art History
(Assistant to Professor Grabar)