Nathan Seiberg: Recent Talks
Public Talks:
- The Pursuit of Unification: Fulfilling Einstein's Dream (2004)
- The World's Largest Experiment (2006)
- The World's Largest Experiment (Tryst 2013)
- What's Next? (2013)
- Where is Fundamental Physics Heading? (2014)
- The Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (in Hebrew) (2017)
- String Theory: A Status Report (2004)
- Field Theory: The Past 25 Years (in the Future of Physics, 2004)
- Emergent Spacetime (Solvay, 2005)
- Supersymmetry and its Breaking (2007)
- Where are we Heading? (2014)
- Symmetries, Duality, and the Unity of Physics (2017)
- Metastable Supersymmetry Breaking (2007)
- Beyond the MSSM (BMSSM) (Strings, 2007)
- General Gauge Mediation (2008)
- Comments on FI Terms (2009)
- Constraining Goldstinos with Constrained Superfields (2009)
- Supercurrents (2011)
- Curved Superspace (2011)
- Adventures with Contact Terms (2012)
- Supersymmetric Gauge Theories in 3d (2013)
- Reading Between the Lines of Four-dimensional Gauge Theories (2013)
- Think Globally, Act Locally (short version) (2014)
- Symmetries Come and Go (2014)
- Generalized Global Symmetries (2014)
- What is Quantum Field Theory? (2014) (longer version, 2015)
- Anomalies, Conformal Manifolds and Spheres (short version, 2015)
- Gapped Boundary Phases of Topological Insulators via Weak Coupling (2016) (short version, 2016)
- A Duality Web in 2+1 Dimensions and the Unity of Physics (Strings, 2016)
- Duality in 2+1 Dimensions (2017)
- New Phases of QCD3 and QCD4 (2017)
- The Dynamics of 2+1d Quantum Field Theories (2018) (longer version) (recent advances)
- Confinement, De-confinement, and 3d Topological Quantum Field Theory (2019)
- Anomalies in the Space of Coupling Constants (2019)
- Thoughts About Quantum Field Theory (vision talk in Strings 2019)
- Field Theory with a Vector Global Symmetry (2019)
- Exotic Symmetries (2020)
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