Princeton University PCTS Workshop
Topological Dynamics
Organizers: Andrei Bernevig, Princeton; Wenting Cheng, U. Michigan; Koorosh Esteki, Fordham U.; Andrej Košmrlj, Princeton; Xiaoming Mao, U. Michigan; Camelia Prodan, Fordham U.; Smitha Vishveshwara, UIUC
Free but required registration:
This workshop will include a poster session. To be considered, you must submit a poster title and very short abstract on the registration form for review. Deadline is January 10.
Please register for in person attendance only. The talks will be live streamed and recorded.
While frontier research on topological phases of matter and their equilibrium properties has been well-established across multiple sub-disciplines, the topological dynamics and synergies across these sub-disciplines is an active young field that explores new realms and inspires the realization of new materials. The dynamics originating from topological states reflects new regimes in which the time evolution of a system is dominated by topological degrees of freedom and their interactions with other excitations. Initial explorations indicate unique and exciting features emerging from such time evolution in a range of systems from quantum to classical, from near-equilibrium to active systems, and from solid-state materials to metamaterials and living materials. This interplay of topological dynamics, alongside burgeoning frontiers in physics such as non-Hermitian systems and non-reciprocal interactions, unveils a plethora of intriguing possibilities of new phenomena.
The goal of this PCTS workshop is to bring together scientists and engineers from many diverse fields to define a roadmap for future discoveries in this new field of topological dynamics.