Geometry of Matroid Workshop
Sponsored by Dr. John P. Hempel
Organizers: Matt Baker, Chris Eur, June Huh, Oliver Lorscheid, and Felipe Rincon
This event brought together leading researchers in different areas of combinatorial geometry. This workshop was a part of the special year Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics.
Andrew Berget, Western Washington University/IAS
Tong Jin, Georgia Institute of Technology
Kiumars Kaveh, University of Pittsburgh
Donggyu Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Lukas Kuhne, Bielefeld University/IAS
Mario Kummer, Dresden University of Technology
Matt Larson, IAS/Princeton University
Shiyue Li, IAS
Mateusz Michalek, University of Konstanz
Mario Sanchez, Cornell University/IAS
Victoria Schleis, Durham University/IAS
Kris Shaw, University of Oslo
Cynthia Vinzant, University of Washington
Zach Walsh, Auburn University
Josephine Yu, Georgia Institute of Technology
*Workshop attendance is by invitation only. All talks will be recorded and posted to the School of Math Video website to watch in the future.
Agenda (all talks will take place in Simonyi Hall Lecture 101)
Please click the SYW Schedule link for titles and abstracts.