IAS Quantum Aspects of Black Holes Group Meeting

A Framework from Subregion Entropy in Semiclassical Gravity

Abstract: Recently, it has been argued that in certain settings, the entropy of a region in semiclassical quantum gravity can be computed in a UV-finite way using tools from the theory of operator algebras. I will attempt to formulate the most general setting in which these techniques can be applied. In particular, I will argue that in any gauge-invariant region in semiclassical gravity, there is a canonical UV-finite formula for the entropy differences of perturbatively similar states, and that this UV-finite formula matches the generalized entropy of Bekenstein and Hawking. Based on work with Jensen and Speranza.

Date & Time

October 17, 2023 | 10:00am – 11:00am


Bloomberg Hall Physics Library


Jonathan Sorce, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

