PU High Energy Theory Seminar

Parisi's Hypercube, Fock-Space Frustration and NAdS$_2$/NCFT$_1$ Holography

This talk will be held in-person in Jadwin Hall, PCTS Room 407 and on Zoom:
Zoom link: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/97248927011?pwd=SWFiNWFwZWE5SUR4OUxvV0ZacVdWQT09

Abstract: We consider a model of Parisi where a single particle hops on an infinite-dimensional hypercube, under the influence of a uniform but disordered magnetic flux.  We reinterpret the hypercube as the Fock-space graph of a many-body Hamiltonian, and the flux as a frustration of the return amplitudes in Fock space. We will show that this model has the same correlation functions as the double-scaled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, and hence is an equally good quantum model for near-AdS2/near-CFT1 holography. Unlike the SYK model, the hypercube Hamiltonian is not p-local. Instead, the SYK model can be understood as a Fock-space model with similar frustrations. Hence we propose this type of Fock-space frustration as the broader characterization for NAdS2/NCFT1 microscopics, and speculate the possible origin of such frustrations.

Date & Time

April 27, 2023 | 2:30pm – 3:30pm


Jadwin Hall, PCTS Room 407 & Zoom


Yiyang Jia


Weizmann Institute of Science

