DeepMind Workshop
The Signature and Natural Slope of Hyperbolic Knots
Marc Lackenby, University of Oxford
The Signature and Natural Slope of Hyperbolic Knots
Andras Juhasz has explained in his talk how machine learning was used to discover a previously unknown relationship between invariants in knot theory. This relationship is a connection between a classical knot invariant (the signature) and a new knot invariant (the natural slope) derived from hyperbolic geometry. In my talk, I will explain how this conjecture was formulated, verified in millions of cases, and then eventually disproved, and how two more refined conjectures were proved.
Date & Time
March 30, 2022 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Simonyi 101 and Remote AccessSpeakers
Marc Lackenby
University of Oxford