Virtual Workshop on Recent Developments in Geometric Representation Theory
Reverse Plane Partitions and Modules for the Preprojective Algebra
Reverse plane partitions - or RPPs for short - are order reversing maps of minuscule posets in types ADE. We report on joint work in progress with Elek, Kamnitzer, Libman, and Morton-Ferguson in which we give a type independent proof that RPPs form a crystal. Moreover, we describe how the crystal structure on RPPs can be realized geometrically on Lusztig’s nilpotent variety $L$ via a bijection between RPPs and "generic" modules for the preprojective algebra. Time permitting we explore the effects of toggling and RSK on irreducible components of $L$.
Date & Time
November 19, 2020 | 11:30am – 12:30pm
Wolfensohn Hall and Remote AccessSpeakers
Member, School of Mathematics
Event Series
Workshop site: /math/sp/geometric_modular_reptheory/wrdgrt