How do I view my IAS Email using (al)pine?
You have two options for configuring (al)PINE to connect to your Zimbra IMAP folders.
Option 1: Edit the .pinerc file in your home directory:
- ssh into
- Use your preferred editor to open .pinerc (e.g. vi, nano, etc.).
- Search through the file so that you can locate the following sections and make the following edits:
# List of SMTP servers for sending mail. If blank: Unix Alpine uses sendmail.
# Path of (local or remote) INBOX, e.g. ={}inbox
# Normal Unix default is the local INBOX (usually /usr/spool/mail/$USER).
# Over-rides default path for sent-mail folder, e.g. =old-mail (using first
# folder collection dir) or ={host2}sent-mail or ="" (to suppress saving).
# Default: sent-mail (Unix) or SENTMAIL.MTX (PC) in default folder collection.
# Over-rides default path for saved-msg folder, e.g. =saved-messages (using 1st
# folder collection dir) or ={host2}saved-mail or ="" (to suppress saving).
# Default: saved-messages (Unix) or SAVEMAIL.MTX (PC) in default collection.
# List of directories where saved-message folders may be. First one is
# the default for Saves. Example: Main {host1}mail/[], Desktop mail\[]
# Syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-hostname}optnl-directory-path[]
folder-collections = "Zimbra Mail" {}[]
Option 2: Use the ALPINE Setup tool
- ssh into
- Type pine and press the ENTER key.
- Enter your IAS user password and press the ENTER key.
- At the Main Menu, type S or scroll down and select SETUP.
- Type C, for "Config:"
- Make the configuration changes:
SMTP Server (for sending) =
Inbox Path = { = enter-your-IAS-username-here/novalidate-cert/ssl}INBOX
Default Fcc (File carbon copy) = Sent
Default Saved Message Folder = Sent - Press Shift+E to save your configuration changes.
- Press Y to commit your changes.
- At the Main Menu, type S or select SETUP.
- Type L, for collectionLists
- Press the ENTER key.
In the space next to "Nickname", enter "Zimbra Mail" without the quotes.
In the space next to "Server", enter "" without the quotes - Press Shift+E to save your configuration changes.
- Press Y to commit your changes.