Homological Mirror Symmetry Reading Group

Gamma class from Gauged Linear Sigma Models and B-brane transport

I'll explain the main result on my paper with Kentaro 1308.2438 [hep-th], which recovers (and generalizes) Iritani's central charge expression, that can be found, for example, in 0903.1463[math.AG]. For this physics derivation I'll have to introduce the gauged linear sigma model (GLSM), which is the setup where this computation takes place, plus boundary conditions on the GLSM, which yield to the concept of B-branes. If time allows, I'll talk about grade restriction rules and B-brane transport. I'll try to keep the definitions and results as clear as possible and not to overwhelm you with detailed computations. Good introductions to these concepts (and more mathematically oriented) can be found on 1308.2157 [hep-th] and the first chapters of 1602.01382 [hep-th].

Date & Time

November 15, 2016 | 10:45am – 12:00pm


Dilworth Room


Member, School of Natural Sciences
