High Energy Theory Seminar

Towards Analytic Conformal Bootstrap

Conformal bootstrap equations have demonstrated a strong constraining power in various spacetime dimensions. However, the most exciting results concerning the low-lying spectrum of operators have only been derived using extensive numerics. It is therefore very important to develop the corresponding analytic understanding. I will report on progress in this direction in the context of one and two spacetime dimensions. I will define and study a new basis for functionals acting on crossed conformal blocks which makes the origin of the bootstrap bound more transparent. In several cases, I will use this basis to find an analytic expression for the functional leading to the optimal bootstrap bound. I will comment on a possible extension of this approach to three or more spacetime dimensions.

Date & Time

October 03, 2016 | 2:30pm – 3:30pm


Jadwin Hall, PCTS Seminar Room, 4th Floor


Dalimil Mazac, Institut de Physique Théorique - CEA Paris-Saclay


Perimeter Institute
