Physics Group Meeting

Perturbative String Scattering Amplitudes with the Pure Spinor Formalism

The pure spinor formalism is an alternative description of the superstring which is manifestly spacetime supersymmetric and can be covariantly quantized. As a consequence, in recent years many superstring amplitudes which were impractical to calculate using the standard formulations have been computed and the results show a surprising elegance.

In this discussion I will review the superfields in the covariant description of ten-dimensional super Yang--Mills theory and show how their appearance in the vertex operators of the pure spinor string motivated their generalization to a multiparticle setup. Together with the notion of pure spinor superspace and BRST invariance, this framework greatly simplifies the calculations of higher-point amplitudes and leads to compact expressions.

I will focus on the tree-level applications of these ideas culminating in supersymmetric expressions for local BCJ-satisfying kinematic numerators of an arbitrary n-point SYM tree amplitude.

1) Summary in the first three sections of

2) The calculation of the n-point string tree-level amplitude

3) Field-theory applications at tree-level (relation with Berends—Giele method etc)

4) Field-theory applications at one and two loops (in BCJ-satisfying form)

5) The original pure spinor formalism paper is enough for the tree-level discussion

6) For the SYM superfields in 10D

Twistor-Like Transform in Ten-Dimensions
Edward Witten (Princeton U.). May 1985. 39 pp.
Published in Nucl.Phys. B266 (1986) 245

Date & Time

January 13, 2016 | 1:30pm – 3:00pm


Bloomberg Hall Physics Library


Discussion Group led by Carlos Mafra


Member, School of Natural Sciences, IAS

Event Series

