High Energy Theory Seminar

Gauging Conformal Field Theories in Three Dimension

We start by reviewing the gauging of the superconformal symmetriesin BLG and ABJ(M) theories and some of the features of the resulting theories. These include a new type of SO(N) theories with 8 supersymmetries which turn out to have a number of (critical) background solutions like AdS, Schroedinger etc. We then turn to a discussion of conformal higher spin systems in three dimensions with the goal of "solving" the higher spin equations in terms of the frame fields to find the non-linear field equations. This discussion will then be extended to include an attempt to construct the higher spin coupling to a scalar field with self-interactions. This is done by explicitly unfolding a "scalar field equation" with source terms.

Date & Time

June 15, 2015 | 2:30pm – 3:30pm


Jadwin Hall, Room A07


Bengt Nilsson


Institute of Fundamental Physics Chalmers University of Technology

