High Energy Theory Seminar

Exact Results for (super-) Entanglement and Renyi Entropies, and their Gravity Duals

The recent focus on entanglement entropy in holography has many motivations, ranging from the applied (e.g. AdS/CMT) to the foundational (emergence of gravity). For all of these programs it is important to find examples, where the quantities of interest can be directly calculated in strongly-coupled field theories and, moreover, the dual geometry constructed at strong coupling.
In this talk I will describe recent work with Crossley and Dyer on entanglement and (super-) Renyi entropies of the N=4 SYM theory with gauge group SU(N) in 4D. I will also discuss dual gravity solutions, applicable in the large N & \lambda limit, as five-dimensional BPS black holes with hyperbolic horizon. I will conclude with a description of Wilson loops, that is the contribution to the entanglement and Renyi entropies due to adding fundamental matter to the theory.

Date & Time

November 21, 2014 | 1:45pm – 3:00pm


Jadwin Hall, Room A08


Julian Sonner



