High Energy Theory Seminar

Holographic Fermions

The most successful effective theory describing fermions at finite density is Landau's Fermi liquid theory. The theory is basically a free fixed point under the renormalization group flow toward the Fermi surface. The experimental observation of exotic "non-Fermi liquid" phases of matter has triggered enormous interest. Their theoretical description is hard due to the lack of Lorentz symmetry and the ubiquity of strong coupling. Thus, any new fermionic system is interesting if it can be studied in a controlled fashion. In this talk, I describe my recent research that focused on finding such systems in the controlled "laboratory" of the AdS/CFT correspondence. I describe various aspects of holographic fermions along with some of the motivations and challenges in the field of "AdS/CMT".

Date & Time

September 12, 2011 | 2:30pm – 3:30pm


Jadwin Hall, Room A06


SUNY Stonybrook

