Physics Group Meeting
Vacuum States of N = 4 SYM on T^3 and S-duality
Non-abelian maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a flat spatial three-torus
has an intricate structure of normalizable zero-energy states, characterized by their values
of the discrete abelian electric and magnetic 't Hooft fluxes, and by their behavior under
the mapping class group of the three-torus. S-duality transforms the 't Hooft fluxes as a
doublet, and commutes with the mapping class group. It thus imposes strong constraints
on the spectra of vacuum states for theories with dual gauge groups. This is however far
from manifest in the present formulation of the theory.
These predictions of S-duality can be checked explicitly by exploiting their invariance
under smooth deformations of the theory, and carrying out the computations in the weak
coupling limit. The cases when the gauge group belongs to one of the infinite series of
classical matrix groups are particularly intriguing, and lead to amusing combinatorial
identities related to certain infinite products.
Date & Time
March 26, 2008 | 1:30pm
Bloomberg Physics LibrarySpeakers
Chalmers University