Members’ Seminar
Explicit Automorphic Forms for the Rational Function Field, and Their Galois Representations
In this talk, we will give explicit examples of Langlands correspondence for reductive groups over the rational function field $F=k(t)$ . Fixing appropriate local ramifications, it is sometimes possible to write down explicit Hecke-eigenforms using the combinatorics of the affine Weyl group. Some of these examples give interesting Galois representations, for example, those with Zariski dense image in E_7, E_8, F_4 and G_2 , and hypergeometric local systems. We will see how ideas from geometric Langlands correspondence help understand the more "classical" Langlands correspondence. This is joint work with J. Heinloth and B-C. Ngo.
Date & Time
March 22, 2010 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Member, School of Mathematics