Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members

Big Gaps in Zeros of L-Functions

Abstract: The first zeros Riemann Zeta function occur at approximately 1/2 +- 14.13i. In 1999 Steven D. Miller showed that among all L-functions of a certain type, the Riemann Zeta function has the largest such gap around zero. I'll discuss how to prove such a result and what can be said in higher degrees. This will include an example of Farmer, Koutsoliotas, and Lemurell which is a degree 4 L-function with a larger gap than the zeta function. (This includes joint work with many people who were at a workshop in Benasque, Spain this summer.)

Date & Time

September 22, 2009 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm




Member, School of Mathematics
