
High Energy Theory Seminar

February 22, 2016 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Jets are particularly interesting probes to study the formation and evolution of quark-gluon plasma, as created in heavy ion collisions. In this talk I will briefly review attempts to describe the jet evolution in holography, and will argue that...

High Energy Theory Seminar

February 19, 2016 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
I will review recent progress in the computation of multiloop scattering amplitudes using the pure spinor formalism of the superstring and make comments about future directions.

Physics Group Meeting

February 17, 2016 | 1:30pm - 3:00pm

I would like to discuss the idea that CFT entanglement explains gravity in AdS/CFT. van Raamsdonk et al. [1] showed that the linearized Einstein equations about the AdS vacuum are equivalent to the entanglement first law in CFT’s, assuming the Ryu...

High Energy Theory Seminar

February 12, 2016 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm

In this talk, we will use the holographic entanglement entropy formulas to derive a simple expression for the modular hamiltonian in bulk perturbation theory, for an arbitrary state and subregion. This remarkably simple expression has interesting...

Physics Group Meeting

February 10, 2016 | 1:30pm - 3:00pm

I will discuss the status of the controversial "entropy bounds" proposed by Bekenstein and Bousso, as well as the reinterpretation of these bounds by Casini and others which made them actually true in QFT.

Old View:

* Wall, arXiv:0901.3865 [review...

High Energy Theory Seminar

February 08, 2016 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm

We review recent results of the renormalization group functions of scalar quantum field theories in various spacetime dimensions and their application to recent ideas in conformal field theories as a prelude to the extension to gauge theories. At...

High Energy Theory Seminar

February 05, 2016 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
Scattering equations are useful in organizing perturbative S-matrix of massless particles. Based on these equations tree-level amplitudes admit a compact expression in theories such as pure Yang-Mills, gravity, etc, where properties such as...

Physics Group Meeting

February 03, 2016 | 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Assuming the diphoton excess at 750 GeV is real (a big assumption!), we will have a discussion of various theoretical possibilities for what the underlying physics might be. Some refs are 1512.04933, 1512.07904, 1512.07733

High Energy Theory Seminar

February 01, 2016 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
In previous work it has been observed that the singularity structure of multi-loop scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory is evidently dictated by cluster algebras. In my talk I will discuss the interplay between this...

Physics Group Meeting

January 27, 2016 | 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Assuming the diphoton excess at 750 GeV is real (a big assumption!), we will have a discussion of various theoretical possibilities for what the underlying physics might be. Some refs are 1512.04933, 1512.07904, 1512.07733