
High Energy Theory Seminar

May 15, 2017 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
The Schwarzian theory was proposed by A. Kitaev as a low energy effective theory for quantum mechanical systems presenting holographic behavior, beginning with the SYK model. In this talk we will study the Schwarzian theory as a limit of two...

Physics Group Meeting

May 10, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
Gauging of bosonic and fermionic symmetry protected topological (SPT) states with discrete symmetry produces simple yet non-trivial topological quantum field theories (TQFTs). Some of the natural observables in such TQFTs are expectation values of...

High Energy Theory Seminar

May 08, 2017 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Supersymmetric gauge theories in various spacetime dimensions lead to enumerative problems: counting of holomorphic curves in Calabi-Yau manifolds, intersection theory on moduli spaces of instantons, limit shapes for random Young diagrams in two and...

High Energy Theory Seminar

May 05, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
The traversable wormhole protocol of Gao, Jafferis and Wall gives us a glimpse behind the horizon of certain black holes. I will describe this effect and discuss some limited applications to the black hole information problem. Based on a recent...

High Energy Theory Seminar

April 28, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
Four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric and superconformal quantum field theories take part in various 4d/2d correspondences, which map computations of certain protected data of the four-dimensional theory to problems in two-dimensional models. In this...

Physics Group Meeting

April 26, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
We discuss the operator content of an asymptotic dS universe, using as an example the Vasiliev theory of massless interacting higher spin particles in a dS vacuum.

High Energy Theory Seminar

April 24, 2017 | 2:45pm - 4:00pm
We will study the entanglement structure of states in Chern-Simons (CS) theory obtained by performing the Euclidean path-integral on certain highly non-trivial 3-manifolds, namely link complements in S^3. This will allow us to assign an entanglement...

High Energy Theory Seminar

April 21, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
We present recent developments in F-theory compactifications and focus on advances in constructions of globally consistent F-theory compactifications with Abelian and discrete gauge symmetries, emphasizing technical advances and insights into higher...