
Physics Group Meeting

October 25, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
Boundary state black holes are single sided pure black holeswith an End-of-the-World Brane cutting off the spacetime in the interior. I demonstrate that certain Hamiltonian deformations tuned to the black hole microstate inject negative energy...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 23, 2017 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
A state is said to be Markovian if it fulfills the important condition of saturating the Strong Subadditivity inequality. I will show how the vacuum state of any relativistic QFT is a Markov state when reduced to certain geometric regions of...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 20, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
Goldstone modes arising from spontaneously broken symmetries can be added to a hydrodynamic description of charge transport to model quantum critical effects in metals from a symmetry point of view. I will discuss the setup and the effects of weak...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 16, 2017 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Spherical domain walls and vacuum bubbles can spontaneously nucleate and expand during the inflationary epoch in the early universe. After inflation ends, the walls and/or bubbles form black holes with a wide spectrum of masses. For some parameter...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 13, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
I review the definition of the relative modular operators in quantum field theory from a heuristic and information-theoretic point of view. I work out a few examples in conformal field theories. I argue how and why thinking in terms of the relative...

Physics Group Meeting

October 11, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
The set of low-energy effective theories that do not admit an ultraviolet completion in string theory is known as the ``swampland." Developing criteria to determine which effective theories belong in the string landscape and which ones belong in...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 09, 2017 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Causality in quantum field theory is encoded in the averaged null energy condition. I will describe how, in large-N CFTs, this energy condition is replaced by a stronger inequality involving the spectrum of the length operator in the dual AdS. This...

High Energy Theory Seminar

October 02, 2017 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm
While the canonical formulation of graviton perturbation theory is calculationally complex, the freedoms of nonlinear field redefinition and gauge fixing allow for immense simplification and the uncovering of new structures in perturbative gravity...

High Energy Theory Seminar

September 29, 2017 | 1:45pm - 3:00pm
The frequency-dependent longitudinal and Hall conductivities --- $\sigma_{xx}$ and $\sigma_{xy}$ --- are dimensionless functions of $\omega/T$ in 2+1 dimensional CFTs at nonzero temperature. These functions characterize the spectrum of charged...