Abstract: In this talk we use
integrability data to bootstrap correlation functions of planar
maximally supersymmetric Yang- Mills theory, focusing on
four-point correlation function of stress-tensor. First,
we start by demonstrating why the...
Abstract: I will present a case for the
striking resemblance between bubbles of anti-de Sitter (AdS) within
Minkowski spacetime and black holes. These solutions of
Einstein’s equations are motivated by high-energy physics and lack
horizons. We will...
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss
holographic duals of topological operators. At low energy
sugra, they can be realized by Page charge associated to Gauss law
constraints. In the UV string theory, topological operators can be
characterized by...
Abstract: I will compare the gravitational
sectors of two 10d heterotic string theories, with E8 x E8 and
Spin(32)/$Z_2$ gauge groups, and show that they differ by a subtle
$Z_3$-valued topological term. I also discuss its relation to
Abstract: Quantum critical points usually
separate two distinct phases of matter. Here I will discuss a class
of "unnecessary" quantum critical points that lie within a single
phase of matter (much like the liquid-gas transition, except that
Abstract: Although solutions to
Teukolsky’s radial equation play a key role in black hole
perturbation theory, there are limitations in our understanding
that obscure our practical use of e.g. quasi-normal mode overtone
solutions. Towards...
Abstract: Topological defect lines in 2D CFTs
have found resurgence in the context of categorical symmetries. In
this talk, I will present the lattice realization of these for
unitary Minimal Models. I will use Spin chains, such as Transverse
Abstract: An underappreciated aspect of
quantum mechanics is that large, relatively imperfect systems can
show behavior that is as precise and reproducible as anything in
nature. The first example was the observation of superconductivity
in 1911...