
IAS Quantum Aspects of Black Holes Group Meeting

November 30, 2023 | 11:00am - 12:00pm

Abstract: Abstract: In this talk, I will review the underlying algebraic structure of de Sitter quasinormal modes (QNMs), and the relation between QNMs and one-loop quantum corrections to dS entropy. I will explain how this picture extends to Anti...

IAS Physics Group Meeting

November 29, 2023 | 11:00am - 12:15pm

Abstract: I will begin by reviewing gauge/string duality, and in particular the motivations for understanding this duality better in the case of weakly coupled gauge theories. I will then discuss work in progress on two approaches to understanding...

Princeton University Dark Cosmos Seminar

November 28, 2023 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Abstract: LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a direct detection dark matter experiment currently being operated at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota. The experiment utilizes a dual phase time projection chamber (TPC)  to...

Princeton University Dark Cosmos Seminar

November 21, 2023 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Abstract: Machine learning is now a part of physics for the foreseeable future, but many deep learning tools, architectures, and algorithms are imported from industry to physics with minimal modifications. Does physics really need all of these fancy...

IAS Amplitudes Group Meeting

November 21, 2023 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Abstract: I will review why current large language models cannot deal with algorithmic problems without using external tools. After explaining the transformer architecture from a point of view of a physicist, I will highlight the increasing role of...

IAS High Energy Theory Seminar

November 20, 2023 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Abstract: M- and F-theory compactifications with ADE singularities give rise to non-abelian ADE gauge symmetries. The physical explanation for this phenomenon involves M2-branes wrapped on vanishing cycles. We consider an alternative approach which...