
Princeton University Dark Cosmos Seminar

April 25, 2023 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Abstract: The Atacama Cosmology Telescope is a ground-based CMB survey that has mapped half the millimeter sky at significantly higher resolution and sensitivity than the Planck satellite. I will present new ACT results from a 9400 sq.deg...

Princeton University Astroplasmas Seminar

April 21, 2023 | 12:30pm - 1:30pm

While nuclei lighter than iron are fused over the course of typical stellar evolution, almost half of the elements heavier than iron are created through the rapid neutron capture process (r-process). These nuclei are thought to be produced in...

Abstract: The concept that there may exist symmetries relating bosons and fermions was first proposed by Yuri Golfand and Evgeny Likhtman in 1971 and independently realized by Julius Wess and Bruno Zumino in 1974. Thus, was born the topic of...