
Princeton University Astroplasmas Seminar

November 10, 2023 | 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Galaxy clusters undergoing mergers host spectacular megaparsec-scale, highly polarized diffuse radio emission known as radio relics. With their enormous extent, these sources trace the largest particle accelerators in the Universe. Relics are...

Princeton University Thunch Talk

November 09, 2023 | 12:15pm - 1:15pm

Mass is the most fundamental stellar parameter of stars. The mass of a star largely determines its stellar structure, surface temperature, luminosity, chemical evolution, lifetime, and its ultimate fate. However, robust stellar mass measurements are...

Rutgers University Astrophysics Colloquium

November 08, 2023 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Collider experiments have proven themselves immensely useful in studying the behavior of fundamental particles such as quarks and gluons. The last few years in particular have seen a push towards an exploration of QCD, that has hitherto been...