
Princeton University Dark Cosmos Seminar

February 20, 2024 | 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Abstract: Besides providing a possible explanation to the strong CP problem and dark matter, the QCD axion possesses a rich cosmology. For example, if PQ breaking occurs after inflation, then axion cosmic strings form. Near the QCD phase transition...

Princeton University Astroplasmas Seminar

February 16, 2024 | 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Cosmic ray (CR) feedback significantly influences galaxy evolution by shaping the dynamics of interstellar and intergalactic media. To comprehend the microphysics underlying CR feedback, kinetic numerical simulations are imperative. I employ...

Princeton University Gravity Group Lunch Seminar

February 16, 2024 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm

The QCD axion represents a compelling extension to the Standard Model of particle physics, being both a leading dark matter candidate and a potential solution to the Strong CP problem. In this talk, I describe our efforts toward experimental axion...