Text Editor Create your tex file using a text editor (vi, emacs,
gedit). Then you use the latex command to tex the file. latex
file.tex Use xdvi to view the file. xdvi file.dvi To print the dvi:
dvips -Pf4 file.dvi To convert the dvi to...
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gnome-panel needs to be restarted. In a terminal window, type:
pkill gnome-panel If your toolbar doesn't restart, type: ps -ef |
grep gnome-panel In the second column, there is a number. This is
the process id (pid).
In the terminal window, type...
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A snapshot of your home directory is periodically taken.
At a terminal prompt, type: cd .snapshot
If you type: ls
You will see a list of directories:
./ hourly.1/ hourly.4/ nightly.1/ nightly.4/ weekly.1/ ../
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